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Terms and conditions

Version in force on December 5th, 2022(version n°3)


DES ENJEUX ET DES HOMMES (hereinafter "E&H") organizes and provides training services, some falling within the field of continuing vocational training as defined in Articles L.6313-1 and following of the French Labour Code ("CVT"), for which E&H made a declaration of activity to the DREETS (“Direction Régionale de l’Economie, de l’Emploi, du Travail et des Solidarités”) under number 73320054132; this declaration does not constitute a state approval.


1.1 The contract between E&H and the Client consists of the current versions of the following documents, presented in descending order (hereinafter the "Contract"): 

(i) the order (the "Order"), 

(ii) the present terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions"). 

1.2 In case of contradiction between the provisions contained in documents of different ranks, the provisions of the higher rank document shall prevail. 


"Client": a natural person or legal entity committed to E&H for the performance of the service covered by the Contract. "Ecocert Group": group of companies to which E&H belongs, more than 50% owned directly or indirectly by Ecocert SA, parent company ("Ecocert SA"). "E-learning Modules”: e-learning modules as defined in the Quotation and made available to the Client under the service. "Identifiers": ID and password allowing access by the Client and/or Participant to the Platform. "OPCO": in French “Opérateurs de compétences”, skills operators, responsible for supporting companies in the field of skills management and training, including financing trainings. "Participant": the person designated by the Client in the Quotation to attend or benefit from the Training. "Platform": the learning online platform through which an digital learning is performed. "Training": face-to-face or online training, or digital learning supplied by E&H to the Client and described in the Quotation, which also states if the Training falls within the scope of CVT. "Training Materials": the modules, E-learning Modules, training materials and other educational resources as defined in the Quotation and made available to the Client for the Training. 


3.1 The Client entrusts E&H with the performance of the Training described in the Order. 

3.2 The performance of the Training will comply with the provisions of the Order. 


4.1 When participating in the Training, the parties undertake when appropriate to respect the internal regulations of the other party or applying to the premises where the Training takes place. 

4.2 The Parties will be responsible for the compliance with these provisions by the trainers and Participants. 

4.3 E&H reserves the right to exclude from any Training, and at any time, any Participant whose behavior interferes with the proper conduct of the Training and/or severely violates the provisions of the Contract. 


 5.1 The operation and access to the Platform will be made in accordance with the terms notified to the Client when signing the Quotation. 5.2 The Client declares having the skills and means necessary (including technical) to access the Platform and cannot subsequently claim an incompatibility or lack of access to the Platform. 5.3 All specific E-learning Modules for digital learning will be made available to the Client on the Platform after acceptance of the Quotation. 5.4 Access to the Platform is made with Identifiers provided to the Client for each Participants on the basis of the information provided by the Client, these Identifiers being confidential, personal and non-transferable. The Client: (i) is responsible for the management and conservation of the Identifiers and will accordingly implement all precautionary measures necessary for their protection and conservation; (ii) is responsible for the consequences of the use of the Identifiers; (iii) undertakes to inform E&H as soon as it becomes aware of any fraudulent use of Identifiers, of which E&H can in no way be held responsible. 5.5 The Client can access the Platform and use the E-learning Modules during the period specified in the Quotation or failing this, during a period of 3 months from the communication of the Identifiers, under the conditions referred to in Article 11. After the deadline specified in the Quotation or the period of 3 months, the E-learning Modules and access to the Platform will cease immediately and the Client will need to make a new order. 5.6 E&H undertakes to make its best efforts to allow permanent access to the Platform, but cannot be held liable for connection problems during maintenance on the server or technical constraints of the Internet network, or in case of disruptions due to providers, hosters and Internet service providers. 5.7 In case of maintenance, E&H will endeavor to inform the Client by any means and in advance of the date and time of maintenance. 5.8 The Client undertakes to inform E&H within 24 hours of any technical malfunction, so that E&H may make its best efforts to remedy the situation as soon as possible. 5.9 In case of impossibility of access to the Platform for a period of at least 24 hours, duration of access will be extended for a period equal to the lack of access to the Platform. The Client acknowledges that the extension mentioned above will be the only available remedy.


6.1 In consideration of the services provided herein, the Client undertakes to pay E&H the fees aimed at in the Quotation accepted by the Client by signing it. 6.2 Fees are liable to change and, where appropriate, will be invoiced separately if any of the elements used for calculation thereof are modified if additional E&H services are required for performance of the Training. 6.3 Invoices, which E&H may issue prior to performance of the service, shall indicate the terms for payment of fees and are payable upon receipt of the invoice. There will be no discount for early payment. 6.4 If the Client wishes that 100% of the price of the Training be paid by an OPCO, it will be its responsibility (i) to apply for support before the start of Training and to ensure the successful completion of the application (ii) to expressly inform E&H before the start of the Training, (iii) indicate the contact details of the OPCO in the Quotation, and (iv) to ensure the successful completion of the payment by the OPCO. It is not possible for the OPCO to pay only part of the price for the Training. Should E&H not receive the payment of the OPCO before the start of Training, the Client will be charged the full cost of the Training. In case of non-payment by the OPCO, for any reason whatsoever, the Client will be liable for the full payment of Training and will be charged the corresponding amount. 6.5 Any delay in payment will result ipso jure and without any notice of default being required in the payment of penalties for late payment on the basis of ECB rate plus ten (10) points and the payment of a lump sum of forty euros (40€) for recovery expenses, in accordance with the decree 2012-115 of the 2nd of October 2012. 6.6 E&H will be entitled to suspend performance of the service covered by the Contract until all outstanding invoices have been paid in full, without non-performance being considered as attributable to E&H. 6.7 The payment methods set out in the present article 6 are applicable in case the fees provided for in article 6.1 are invoiced and collected by E&H, and also in case of invoicing and collection of fees by another entity pursuant to article 15.1, except if the Quotation and/or invoice of the concerned entity state(s) otherwise. 



7.1 Any cancellation of participation by the Client must be accepted in writing. However, digital learning cancellation will not be accepted once the Client or the Participant have used the Identifiers allowing access to the Platform. 7.2 Replacements of Participants are allowed provided (i) information of E&H in writing at least ten (10) business days before the scheduled date, and (ii) replacement of the initial Participant is done with an employee of the same company and in the same conditions as the initial registration and complying, if any, with the eligibility requirements of the Training. 7.3 If the number of participants in a Training is considered inadequate for educational reasons, E&H reserves the right to cancel this Training no later than ten (10) business days before the scheduled date. 7.4 In case of total or partial non-realization of the Training for reasons attributable to E&H, E&H will propose, as far as possible, the postponement of the Training to a later date. In the event that the postponement of the Training is not possible or the Participant(s) cannot participate, E&H will reimburse to the Client the sums unduly received as a result. 7.5 Except in case of force majeure, should the Client cancel its participation or that of its Participants to the Training within a period less than or equal to ten (10) calendar days before the start of the Training, or if a Participant does not show, the Client undertakes to pay the sum of 100% of the total due amount for the service as compensation. Any cancellation must be notified by email to 7.6 The Client may request the postponement of the participation in a Training by sending a written request to at the latest 10 calendar days before the start of the Training.



8.1 The Agreement enters into force on the date of signature of the Quotation, and shall terminate on the date stated in it, or failing that, after completion of the Training. 8.2 A party may terminate the contract with immediate effect if the other party fails to regularize the breach of any of its obligations under the Contract within two weeks after receiving an order to that effect from the non-defaulting party, without prejudice to damages which it may claim.


9.1 E&H is under an obligation of best endeavours with regard to the performance of the Training, consisting in accompanying the Participant during the Training, through the technical and human resources E&H makes available to the Participant. The success of the Training depends exclusively on the will and commitment of the Participant.

9.2 Provided that the Participant participates in the Training, that he/she actually signs the attendance and the results of his/her achievements assessment are enough, the participation in the Training performed by E&H results in the issuance of a certificate for each Participant. The Client acknowledges that this certificate is not a diploma or a qualification recognized by any public authorities. 9.3 E&H can only be held liable in the event of a breach of its essential obligations as stipulated in the Contract. 9.4 If any legal action is taken to establish the liability of E&H, compensation will only be paid for any direct, current, personal, established loss to the exclusion of any indirect loss, in accordance with the provisions of the French civil code. 9.5 In any event, the maximum amount for which E&H may be liable under this Contract shall be capped at the equivalent of the fees payable to E&H in the framework of the Contract. 9.6 The Client undertakes to do all that is necessary in order to limit as far as possible any loss that may be sustained on account of a fault committed by E&H. 9.7 This clause shall survive the expiration, termination or disappearance of the Contract for any reason whatsoever.


10.1 All information obtained through performance of the service covered by the Contract shall be considered as confidential, particularly that relating to the Client and the Participants. 10.2 E&H undertakes to keep confidential any information relating to the Client and described in Article 10.1 and to ensure that any of its employees, representatives, agent or subcontractor involved in implementation of the Contract, who may have occasion to hold or obtain any such information, also undertake to protect this confidentiality and not to use it for their own gain or for the gain of a third party, unless within the context of performance of the service covered by the Contract. 10.3 The following information shall not be considered confidential and shall not impose an obligation of confidentiality: (i) information already known or available to the public, in the absence of any wrong being committed within the context of this Contract, (ii) information received legally from a third party without breach of this Contract, (iii) information which by law or under any regulations or judicial or administrative decision must be disclosed by E&H to the French or foreign judicial or administrative authority. 10.4 The obligations of confidentiality under this section shall survive for a period of five (5) years as from the termination of the Contract. 


11.1 Unless otherwise provided in the Quotation: (i) all Training Materials given or made available to the Client or to Participants in the framework of the Training are original works and as such are protected by laws on intellectual property and copyrights; (ii) E&H grants the Client a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable authorization to use the Training Material, this authorization being limited to the framework of the Training and to the Participants referred to in the Quotation; (iii) the Client agrees NOT to use outside the framework of the Training, to reproduce, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to adapt, to modify, to translate, to represent, to market or to distribute to members of its staff not participating in the Training or to third parties, the Training Materials made available without the express and written consent of E&H; (iv) the Client agrees not to make any copy of a software used as part of the Training, with the exception of the exercises performed provided that the files do not include in any way parts of the software protected by any law whatsoever. 11.2 The Client guarantees the respect of these prohibitions by the Participants and remains consequently jointly liable with them. 11.3 E&H retains ownership of its tools, methods and know-how developed previously or during its service provision to the Client. 11.4 This section shall survive the expiration, termination or disappearance of the Contract for any reason whatsoever.


12.1 In the event that personal data related to a natural person is transmitted by the Client under the Contract, E&H will take all appropriate actions to abide by the law applicable to the protection of personal data and will ensure that Ecocert SA will do the same. In accordance with the modified French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés) of January 6th, 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the natural person is informed that his/her personal data are recorded in one or more computer files by E&H for the purposes of performing the service subject of the Contract. They are kept for the duration of the Contract plus a period of 10 years from its expiry and are intended for persons in charge of the aforementioned purposes. They may be transferred outside the European Union to recipients in charge of the above purposes. For countries not ensuring an adequate level of protection according to Section 45 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, appropriate safeguards are put in place between the companies of the Ecocert group or the subcontractors concerned, which are available from E&H. The natural person has a right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, right to object, not to be the subject of an automated processing decision (including profiling), which he or she may exercise with E&H, 3 rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France -, controller, as well as a right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. 12.2 In any case, it is the Client’s responsibility to fulfill all its obligations under the law applicable to the protection of personal data; as such, the Client guarantees E&H and Ecocert SA against any claim by a natural person whose personal data are transferred by the Client to E&H under the Contract.


13.1 No specific conditions or terms of purchase of the Client may prevail over the Terms and Conditions unless officially agreed in writing by E&H. Any condition to the contrary upheld by the Client will therefore be void as against E&H, regardless of when it may have been brought to its attention, unless expressly agreed otherwise. 

 13.2 Should E&H decide not to enforce its rights in accordance with the provisions of the Contract at any given time, this may not be interpreted as a waiver to enforce such rights at a later date in accordance with the provisions in question. 

13.3 If any of the provisions of the Contract is declared null and void or inapplicable by a court or by virtue of the law, the other provisions shall remain in force and with full effect, insofar as they are provided for by law. 

13.4 The Contract cancels and replaces any previous contracts with the same subject that may have been signed between the Parties. 


14.1 If E&H should modify the Terms and Conditions, it shall use any means to notify the Client beforehand. Any modification to the Terms and Conditions is deemed to have been accepted by the Client if the latter has not rejected them in writing sent by registered post with acknowledgement of receipt no later than one month after the entry into force of the new Terms and Conditions. 14.2 The Parties agree that E&H may not be held liable in the event that the performance of the service under the Contract is impossible or forbidden due to changes in national, European or international regulations and/or interpretation thereof, generally or relating to the service concerned by the Contract, which would result in modification or pure and simple deletion of the service covered by the Contract.  


15.1 The Client is informed in advance that all or part of the Training provided by the present Contract, including the invoicing and the collection of the corresponding fees, may be entrusted to a third party appointed for this purpose, in particular to one or more companies of the Ecocert Group. By signing the initial Quotation, the Client accepts said intervention of the companies of the Ecocert Group and/or third parties for the performance of the service and accepts notably that the fees and costs relating to the performance of the service be paid to the entity that has been authorized by E&H to issue the Quotations and corresponding invoices. In the same way, the Client accepts that this entity is authorized to start legal procedures before the competent courts of the Client’s domicile in order to recover the aforementioned fees and costs. In any case, E&H shall remain operationally, financially and legally responsible toward the Client for the subcontracted or delegated activities. 


A party may not transfer the Contract to a third party in any way unless prior written approval has been given by the other party. However, the Client accepts in advance that E&H is free to transfer the Contract to another company in the Ecocert Group in any way. 


17.1 Neither party shall be held liable if it is prevented from performing its obligations laid down in the Contract, insofar as their execution is delayed, hindered or prevented by a fortuitous event or force majeure. 17.2 Will be considered as a fortuitous event or force majeure, any event or circumstances external to the parties, unforeseeable, irresistible, beyond the control of the parties and that cannot be prevented by them, despite all efforts reasonably possible. Are explicitly considered as force majeure or fortuitous events, beside those usually admitted by the jurisprudence of the French courts, and without limitation, natural disasters, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, epidemic, wars, terrorist activities, strikes, impossibility of the use of public or private transport, impossibility of the use of public or private telecommunications networks, failure to obtain permits, licenses, visas or other types of records, the unavailability of the trainer. 17.3 The party affected by such circumstances shall notify the other by any means as soon as possible, the Contract being suspended until the disappearance of the impediment. In case of persistent impediment beyond a reasonable time, each party shall be entitled to terminate the Contract with immediate effect by sending the other party a letter with acknowledgment of receipt. 


18.1 The notices to be made under the Contract may be sent by letter, either registered or not, with or without acknowledgment of receipt, express mail with proof of delivery to the transporter, bailiff, fax, email, or posted or filed on the E&H client portal, in French or English. 18.2 It is the Client’s sole responsibility to provide the information necessary for the proper receipt of any mail, email or fax sent by E&H for the execution of the Contract, and to promptly notify any change to E&H. 18.3 Any mail, email or fax, registered or not, which is rejected or refused by the Client, or unable to be delivered due to a change of address that has not been notified by the Client, shall be deemed to be delivered at the date of such rejection, refusal or inability to deliver. Any registered mail that is not collected by the Client shall be deemed delivered on the date of first presentation. 


The Client agrees (i) that E&H may resort to the dematerialization of some processes used in connection with the performance of the Contract, including the electronic registered letter, electronic invoice or electronic signature, (ii) to comply with the conditions applicable to the implementation of these dematerialized processes, particularly in terms of identification of the recipient, whether these conditions come from E&H or from third parties, and (iii) to grant it the same legal value as the one it attaches to paper or written documents, as permitted by French laws and regulations. In addition, the parties agree on the probative value of emails and of the scanned and digitalized signature beside the name, as well as their respective reproduction. 


The Contract is written in French. Translations into other languages may be sent to the Client upon request, but in the event of a dispute the French version shall prevail. The Client acknowledges that the French version of the Contract has been made available to it at the time of its signature. 


This contract is governed by French law. 



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