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SOCIAL AUDITS - Regulatory framework and methods

You are already or will soon be involved in social audits? This training is primarily intended for auditors who wish to improve their knowledge on social auditing.Through this training, you will have a complete overview of what social audits imply, to be better equipped to perform them. It will include several quiz, exercises, study cases, etc. At the end of each module, your knowledge will be evaluated.

€490.00 excluding tax
Available in English
about 20 hours of content
Full illimited access during one month
Expert's support online on demand
Detailled course reporting available
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  1. Explain the importance and diversity of social audits
  2. Identify which rule applies when dealing with social compliance
  3. Understand better the requirements and structure of a social compliance standard
  4. Outline specific recommendations for social auditing
  5. List the main investigations to be held per social topic

In summary

You are already or will soon be involved in social audits?
🧑👩‍🦱 This training is primarily intended for auditors who wish to improve their knowledge on social auditing.
Through this training, you will have a complete overview of what social audits imply, to be better equipped to perform them. 🛠
✅ It will include several quiz, exercises, study cases, etc. At the end of each module, your knowledge will be evaluated.



Training project manager
Consultant and Training project manager / Fair trade and CSR expert


 This training requires to know the basic principles and steps of auditing. 

Course modules
about 20 hours

SOCIAL AUDITS - Regulatory framework and methods
SOCIAL AUDITS - Course introduction
SOCIAL AUDITS (1/5) - Importance and diversity
SOCIAL AUDITS (2/5) - Regulations and laws
SOCIAL AUDITS (3/5) - The SA8000 norm
SOCIAL AUDITS (4/5) - Audit steps and methodology
€490.00 excluding tax
Available in English
about 20 hours of content
Full illimited access during one month
Expert's support online on demand
Detailled course reporting available
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